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A Freeze During Loading of Cells


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When I load my save file it loads fine; however, when I try to go to almost any exterior cell, or walk far enough outside that the game updates, the game starts to load then it just freezes.


I'm not sure if the save file is corrupt but if I reload a different save file the problem no longer occurs.


The thing is, I have been playing on this different save file and the problem happened again, creating a second branch of seemingly corrupted save files.


I have: minimal mods (none I believe and no new ones, except the following), the official plug-ins, the official expansion, OBSE, all patches, and after the problem had already occurred the first time I downloaded the unofficial patch.


My thoughts: It could be that oblivion is just glitchy beyond belief and unfixable, it could be that my save file has grown unstable due to a whole lot of autosaves and quicksaves, it could be that my length of game time or play time is somehow overwhelming the game (I checked the file it's 367.02.29...yeah, I have a problem)


Does anyone know if there is some way to fix this?


Thanks for the help,


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Yeah... don't use auto-save or quick save. Sorry bud, but that is glitchy as hell, and known to cause bad saves, which eventually break completely.

There are a couple of programs out there that can repair saved game bloating, but I think once they are corrupt thats pretty much it for that save.



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Thanks, I can do that. I'm pretty sure I have save games stable enough to not cause crazy crashes. I just got into the habit of quicksaving because I found that crashing during quests is very annoying.


If the problem persists I can just start up another help thread but I figured that could well be the problem.



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