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Vampire appearance change


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I pretty much always put lots of eyeliner/eyeshadow and lips as dark as possible for my characters.

So, I guess you can understand that I would then find them quite lame-looking as vampires.

Tried many times to edit my character's appearance through showracemenu, but it always reset back to normal after a while. Or didn't work at all.

I wasn't able to find a mod for this, there were some like it, but none that were this exactly. Or maybe I'm just stupid and awful at finding mods.


For a solution, I guess, one could either disable vampire appearance altogether (I'd say my character even looks vampiric enough without it),

or - change it so that it doesn't affect the "eye" and "mouth" tones? And ofc disable the aging too. Vampirism also seems to put some stupid-looking red blush on my character :P


If someone would do this, I would be very grateful! :biggrin: I'd like to try out playing a vampire.

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  • 4 weeks later...

yea that would be great. i searched the neckamel vampire thing but i didnt find it :(


anyway i think the teeth and eyes are awesome, i just wish like the eyeliner and skin color wwould remain the same

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