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Help with OBMM and OBSE


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I'm 100% sure I installed OBSE correctly as per the instructions provided in its readme (I downladed ver 0017b and put obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_0.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, and obse_loader.exe in the main Oblivion directory along with the regular Oblivion.exe), but OBMM simply REFUSES to launch off it. It just launches the regular Oblivion.exe and all my mods that require OBSE don't work. If I run obse_launcher.exe myself without OBMM, my mods switch (that is, the mods that require OBSE run, but all the others I run through OBMM don't).


I even tried to manually launch obse_loader.exe on OBMM by going into the settings for OBMM and putting "-launch obse_loader.exe" in the command line, but it gives me an error that it "cannot find the file specified".


Help? This is getting really annoying for me :wallbash:

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I'm 100% sure I installed OBSE correctly as per the instructions provided in its readme (I downladed ver 0017b and put obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_0.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, and obse_loader.exe in the main Oblivion directory along with the regular Oblivion.exe), but OBMM simply REFUSES to launch off it. It just launches the regular Oblivion.exe and all my mods that require OBSE don't work. If I run obse_launcher.exe myself without OBMM, my mods switch (that is, the mods that require OBSE run, but all the others I run through OBMM don't).


I even tried to manually launch obse_loader.exe on OBMM by going into the settings for OBMM and putting "-launch obse_loader.exe" in the command line, but it gives me an error that it "cannot find the file specified".


Help? This is getting really annoying for me :wallbash:


I'm not sure I understand why you would want to launch OBSE from your OBMM. OBSE comes with its own launcher, and everything in OBMM is saved and in place once you exit it. If anything, you'd want OBMM closed when you run OBSE to launch the game, simply because OBMM--like your browser--takes up memory. Closing OBMM, your browser, your mail reader, and anything else helps from more RAM for the game.


I suggest making a shortcut for your OBSE loader with this line:


"X:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe"


...where x=drive letter, under target, and:


"E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion"


...under "start in."


Then put the shortcut in some handy folder or on your toolbar, and click it when you want to launch Oblivion.


But don't worry about OBMM. It remembers everything you do to it when you shut it down, just as Wrye Bash does. Which is also an excellent tool you might want to consider having around.


Hope that helps. :)

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Thanks for the reply!


Unfortunately, I do have to launch Oblivion through OBMM for some reason or else the mods don't work. For instance, I have OOO installed which removes all unfound cities from the map. If I start up Oblivion through obse_loader all unfound cities get added to the map like in vanilla Oblivion, as if OOO wasn't working, but if I start up the game through OBMM the cities I haven't been to disappear from the game, letting me know that OOO is working.


I dunno if I'm explaining myself correctly, but basically if I don't start the game through OBMM for some reason the omods don't load. I know that's not normal, so what can I do about it?

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OBMM is closed when the game starts. So it does not take any ram away from the game. Everything it does is OUTSIDE of the game. When using the built in Oblivion Launcher in OBMM, it first looks to see if OBSE is installed. If it is, it launches OBSE and not Oblivion. Then OBSE launches Oblivion just as if you had used the OBSE launcher. If OBMM does not find OBSE where it is supposed to be, it launches Oblivion without OBSE.


OBSE has NO effect on any mod that does not use OBSE. They should work normally whether OBSE is present or not.


OBSE is installed in the same folder as the data folder, NOT the data folder. So under Oblivion you should have the data folder and each of the OBSE dll files, as well as the OBSE_loader.exe file. The most common mistake is installing the OBSE files in the data folder instead of the Oblivion folder.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are special install instructions for the steam version of OBSE. If you have the D2D version. It will not work. - read the readme that comes with OBSE.


Both OBSE and OBMM are utility programs and not mods, and do not install like mods. Be sure you read and understand the install procedure for each before installing.


When launching OBSE from OBMM, it expects to find the program in a specific place. If it is not there, then it skips it and loads Oblivion without OBSE.


ALL of the files from OBSE must be in the Oblivion folder, and not in a separate folder, or in the data folder.


If you get the wrong version message, be sure you have the latest version based on your mods requirements - Some do require v0018 while most will do fine with v0017

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My problem was that I was downloading the 1.2.4 patch but I have game of the year edition so all I had to do was install shivering isles directly from the disk reinsert disk one and there you go 1.2.4 and then it all worked make sure you have 1.2.4 and copy the contents of OBSE right click the Oblivion icon open file location and paste the contents of OBSE right there then Launch it but it sounds like you knew that much.
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If you 'have' to run Oblivion using OBMM, then you have something in the wrong place. Oblivion should be able to start from OblivionLauncher.exe without OBMM. Then OBSE has it's own launcher Obse_loader.exe for use without OBMM. ALL of these should be located in your Oblivion folder. That is where OBMM expects to find both the Oblivionlauncher and the Obse_launcher programs. If they are somewhere else, such as inside the data folder, it cannot find them.


I have seen a problem where someone had a structure that looked like Oblivion\Oblivion\Data, with the OBSE in the first Oblivion, and the OBMM in the second. Or Oblivion\Data\Oblivion\Data, Or Oblivion\Data\Data. Or with the OBSE outside of the Oblivion folder


Thee proper structure is Oblivion\Data - with no extra Oblivion or extra Data folders floating around.

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