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Daedra/Vampire(/...) Sword (not daedric, check the whole thing to see what i mean)


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When i was much younger i saw an interresting idea in a book. The main character of the book fled from slavers, had no weapon and came across an old yet fine and not rusty sword, he took it in hand and then the sword talked to him. It was kinda alive, it had magical powers it was overpowered kindda in many regards but had a "minor" flaw, it fed on it's user's life.

So i thought it could be great to see that kind of weapon appear in skyrim.


When not equiped or hanging at your belt it would be no different than any weapon, but when in combat mode and with this sword equiped your life would be slowly degraded (i think 1HP per second would be fine at first). The sword of the book gave half the damage it made back to the player (that was a "be the hero" kind of book) as health point (but a classic lifeleech could be enought, it's only so the wielder would not die that way 9 times out of 10)


It would have daedric sword base damage at first.

You couldn't be able to upgrade using a grindstone, but you could feed it with souls in order to upgrade it's base damage.

The more powerfull the soul you would feed it the more damage the sword would do.

On the other hand maybe the life sucked from you by the sword would grow too.

You could even feed it dragon souls. (dragons souls leveling it far more than even a filled black soul gem


It does want to be stronger so it's enchanted with a soultrap enchantment as well.

Else than the "player loose life" enchantement, soultrap, the classical lifeleech (or the closer to the book version of the enchantement if anyone know how to do that), and "damages depends on soulpoints you fed me" equiping that weapon would give the wielder some "lesser powers" close to actual spells. These spells to be accurate.


- Candlelight

- Heal other

- Hysteria

- Mayhem

- Invisibility

- Muffle


Each with a cost in health points. (and it's your equiped weapon, so yes it does stack if you're currently fighting and casting one of those)


The sword would not be your friend, and may even summon itself a body (kind of a ghost with bound sword) that would attack you when it feels you're weak (you have less than "x" % life) or when it thinks it's stronger than you (every time you feed it x "soul points") (or both). (The fact the sword may rebel against it's owner would be kept a secret from users if able)

For the design the daedra sword classic design should be fine (and the ghost body would then have a lesser version of the actual sword using the bound sword spell).

It would be for the best if it could be voiced, and not only when you aquire it but more like those enhanced follower mod i saw, with a daedra point of view (reacting to cities and stuff). Typical bad guy, willing to help you for a price in blood or souls.

- may offer you (to sell you) light when it's dark,
- same goes for muffle and/or invisibility when you crouch

- may laught like a maniac when you fight

- may tell you you suck at fighting after you killed someone

- might shut up for some time after you defeated it's etheral body

-may encourage you to do bad action such as murders (gratuitous or not), thievery (or it may make fun of you in that case)

I'd like it to be a 1handed sword because it was a sword in the book, that i like using a shield, and that there is no bound 2handed sword in the vanilla game (about that ghost the sword may send against you). It may have been 2 handed in the book though. Anyway, any weapon with a demonic look could fit that role (sword and daggers more than mauls and maces in my opinion though).

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