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Perk Mod Inneffectual


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So, I thought I'd try my hand at modding perks, after using one of the perk-pack mods. I made a single test perk, but can't get it to work properly in-game.




(The condition, by the way, is GetHealthPercentage <= 0.35 on Self)


The perk is selectable, and is obtained and appears fine in-game. However, even with my test 90% increase (Which I've tried by adding 0.90, multiplying by 1.90, and multiplying by 90.00) there is a stunning lack of instantly critting all enemies.


And for all testing, I've been at 40/260 health, easily meeting the conditions.


My question: What is the fatal flaw in my Perk?


(Edit: Just saw the quick question/ quick answer thread, but I also can't figure out how to delete this one... So sorry for any noob-ish inconvenience)

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Alright, here's one with both the perk entry screen and the perk screen. There are no conditions for the weapon or target.



Nevermind, it works. I forgot I had it on "very hard" xD I appeared to be doing normal damage, but normal damage for normal mode. So...yeah.

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