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Shell shock effect.


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Is it possible to make a script that blurs out surrounding sounds when you're hit by a grenade or close to dying? I would really want to know if it's possible. It would be a great addition to my near death breathing mod. Experienced scripters, please reply if possible.
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As far as I know, it isn't possible. I check through all the possible commands for vanilla and FOSE, and couldn't find anything that would make it work. There is one command that stops all sounds effects except for music, but it's non-reverseable, so you couldn't bring the sound back on with another command, which sucks, and the music would still be there.
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I don't know if this would work, but you could try to use The FOSE command SetNumericIniSetting in a staged timer script to lower and raise these ini settings:









(these are my default, used only as an example).


Perhaps just lowering and raising the master volume might do it for you. But it could also be the case that changing these setting won't have an immediate effect.

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Oh no... scripting (which what I really hate because I don't know how to do it). I truly appreciate it if someone can script it for me, including my heavy breathing mod. I would also give you credits for it. Plus I will also make you a custom signature :P.


What I plan on my mind was... to "fake" it. Remember when you get head cripples? There's a noisy beep with some blurry sound effect, I tried maxing out the volume, kinda get the "feel" of shell shock but not entirely.

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