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Skyrim crashes while talking to Clavicus Vile


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Of course I restarted Windows 7 and restarted Steam. -> Nothing!


I reduced the graphics. -> Nothing.


Disable a few mods, for example Jenassa Overhaul because I got Jenassa as a follower. -> Nothing!


Save File Discription: Staying in front of Clavicus Vile Statue, when I press "E" for talk it shut down instantly.

Edited by GENS0
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I notice you posted this somewhat recently. Just got back into playing Skyrim and ran into the exact problem you are having. You click the Clavicus Vile statue to talk and get immediate crash to desktop.

After disabling several different things, one by one, I finally found the cause and notice in your list of mods, that (( Sofia, the fully voiced funny follower)) is listed.

Disabling/removing that mod fixed the issue for me. While the author did great work. Sofia is connected to quests and meant to respond to them and it is causing issue in my game and possibly your own.


Hope this helps anyone else out there having this issue.

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