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How to reset GREETING or Talked To PC ingame


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I started a new game recently, and because I did the skillgrind-to-level-20 and most of the main quest first before absolutely ANYTHING else, I got a fair bit into it before I realized that people weren't introducing themselves properly.


For example, when you first talk to Milla Umbranox, she says, "I am Millona Umbranox, Countess of Anvil. I hope you enjoy your visit. I trust you will give us no cause to regret our hospitality to strangers."


But all she said to me the first time I talked to her was, "Go ahead, please." or "What can I do for you?" or something like that.


Like, okay, I dug around the TESCS, and I found that these lines of dialogue use the function GetTalkedToPC, and I tried to set that flag back to 0, but nothing I've tried has worked. So is there even a way to mass-reset every NPC's dialogue so they give you their introductory speech when talked to? Or even just individual NPCs?

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Hi zucabr,


the easiest way to do it is to set the GetTalkedToPc flag but you seem to be having trouble getting it working. Are you sure you clicked on the Npc before you typed in "set GetTalkedToPc to 0"? If you didn't then you set the flag on your character instead. To do this for every character in the game, you'd have to do a lot of clicking and typing :wacko:


there could be a way to reset, but it could affect your game save forever.


Hope this helps,


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Bah, sorry. It seems it was Reneer's Guard Overhaul that was doing it, and not the saved game specifically. I switched back to v197a, and everything's going smoothly again. Although "set GetTalkedToPC to 0" seems to be the correct sequence, so thanks! :) (I was using "set GetTalkedToPC 0", I ALWAYS forget the "to" part :P)
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