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an excellent game without excellent graphics is doomed to fail!


did f.e. morrowind fail?


did you notice the /sarcasm bit at the end?

I was being sarcastic :closedeyes:


Or are you just mind screwing with me? :unsure:

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well, if you havent edited your post to write sarcasm at the end of the sentence, i havent recognised it (the sarcasm in the sentence and that there was sarcasm standing)

if you have edited it, i have to say, even though i speak perfect english, i didnt recognise the sarcasm in your sentence. <- felt the sarcasm on this?


but hey, the game is in production for i-dont-know-how-many-years, i also read about it when i still had my xbox, what was at least about 2 and a half years ago, so i think the graphics will be awesome and the whole game will be awesome!!!!

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YAY the demo is out now, GET IT NOW :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: ...


WOWS just started playing the demo and it looks fantastic :thumbsup: , but judging by the demo its only in 720P, sigh. Well other then that it looks great, very believable Characters.


The most realistic game to date, nothing comes close to it.


Yet, waits for GT5 :whistling:

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i dont think it will be available for pc...

at least i hope so, cuz otherwise i pretty sure would buy it for pc (cuz its probably going to be cheaper) and then i couldnt enjoy the awesome graphics with my laptop..;D

but i think its ps3 exclusive, isnt it?

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What's the game actually about? A survival horror genre? The graphics look awesome though. Hopefully they'll have it ported to the PC, I don't have a PS3. :huh:


No pc version, its a ps3 exclusive :thumbsup:

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