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ninja melee animation mod for vats


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i spent most of my points on sneak and melee plus a ton of perks all based around melee and critical damage including the ninja perk. i thought it would the most awsome thing ever to oneshot 90% of the baddies in the game but noooo all i get to see is my character take a half hearted swing at the super mutants feet followed by an equally half hearted death scene as it falls foward slowly. someone needs to re animate melee sneek attack combat in vats. i would love nothing more than to watch a cutscene where my character's stealthed form slowly stands up behind someone and slits their throat or casually plants a knife into their back. heck for multiple targets go all matrix style on them. but right now the animations for melee combat are weak and not really worth speccing into. melee animations really need to be revamped. but i have neither the tallent or time to do somthing like this. so if anyone has done this or is planing on working on somthing like this please post a link i would be more than happy to beta test XD.
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  • 8 months later...
If you could contact skycaptain at TESNexus, that mod has assassination moves, slitting throats, stabbing sleeping NPC's, however these are all through script extender and skycaptain has still not released deadly reflex 6, which hes been working on for a while so im sure hes really busy...
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