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Trouble with a Timer script


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Hey, here is my script:


scn myscriptname


float MITtimer


begin onactivate ; yes, it's attached to an activator


playmagiceffectvisuals glowingonegloweffect


if ( MITtimer < 3 )

set MITtimer to MITtimer + getSecondsPassed


stopmagiceffectvisuals glowingonegloweffect

myDoorRef.activate player





So my thought on this, is that the script just stops running after the first getSecondsPassed check, so it's not around at the time of the 3 count. Is there any way to have it continually recheck itself until my door is activated?


In case you didn't notice, it's an attempt at a teleport script, that plays a little animation before you teleport, so I was playing around to see which one I liked. Not sure if the glowing effect works at all, but I tried this script with stealboy invisible and the effect played, but it didn't stop and I didn't teleport.


Thanks in advance,



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