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Custom Voicing


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Replacing Jericho's voices will be more complicated than just creating a new character with voices. To replace Jericho's, you have to locate the quest that produces his dialogue, and edit each line of dialogue, on the dialogue tab. It could get messy if you're not used to the GECK and making NPC's with dialogue. If you haven't already, I'd say study some dialogue tutorials. There's one on youtube called Crow's dialogue Tutorial. If you go on the GECK official website, there are plenty of links there to tutorials. You could also use the search engine on this site or Bethesda's forums, for some good stuff.


As for recording the voices, you can do that within the GECK, but if you want matching lip-synchs, you need to download and install the TES4 Construction Set v1.0.

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It's not that hard then. I will tell you step-by-step: Open the Geck, click on NPC's in the left menu. Scroll down to jericho or type it in the filter. Double click on his name, to open up his property window, or right click and click edit. Then click the dialogue button. Then there will be a list of everything he says. Just double click on one of his dialogue lines, to bring up the "edit response" window, then at the bottom click the record button, and speak your new voice into your microphone, then click the stop button, then click save. That's it.
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