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[WIP] Gecko's Oblivion Sound Overhaul


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Just started work today. Now, we have several amazing visual overhauls that really elevate Oblivion to the next level like nuska's Character Overhaul. But to this date there hasn't really been a mod that comprehensively changes Oblivion's sound. You got a few weapon and ambient mods but that's pretty much it. This is where I come in.




Shows off some of the things I've accomplished so far and gives an idea for the general vibe I'm going for. Everything is subject to change of course. Melee combat, magic spells, footsteps/foley, creatures, ambiance... no hole is sacred! I'm also making sure many things are heard more clearly from a distance than before. Pay attention to those revised skeleton footsteps, for instance. I think I might have overdone the distance on the fire explosion a bit though.

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