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script help - change npc name dynamically


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I need to make a script that changes the npcs name dynamically

i have no clue about strings and the syntax of them and i need some guidance or the complete script :-)

(obse documentation didnt help me much)

the concept of the script is sth like that (i know that it has wrong syntax)-just to figure out the idea

ScriptName AAAchangeName

string_var oldName ;Declaring variable
string_var titleName
Ref newNpc

Begin Function {}

PrintToConsole "changing Name"
Let newnpc := myquest.npc
let oldName := newnpc.GetName
let titleName := "Sister"
If newnpc.GetInFaction BanditFaction
newnpc.SetFactionRank BanditFaction -1
newnpc.SetActorFullName "bandit prisoner"


newnpc.SetName $titleName+$oldName
;newnpc.SetActorFullName "Sister"+$oldName


newnpc.SetFactionRank playerFaction 0

The purpose is to retrieve the name of the npc -for example Baurus

and then after some contitions to give him a proper title -for example private baurus or prisoner baurus etc

Thanks in advance

Edited by kastano
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I had this idea myself one time and tried it with "setName". But I noticed while testing that the name changed by "setName" is NOT stored in the save game. The result: After restarting the game, the npc will have its old name.

Sadly, I don't know if there is a function that solves this problem (I looked for one in OBSE, but I did not find any).

Maybe you can ask one of the developers of OBSE or (if you are able to write programs in C++) create a plugin for OBSE which provides such a function.


Ulthar Seramis

Edited by UltharSeramis
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No i dont know C++

i found a plugin that does this(i didnt test it)

http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/11666/? (documentation link doesnt work)

also this


but it says that it is obsolete and all that functions are in obse now

that strings thing is too advanced for me

i thinks it needs sv_construct in some point

i ll see it later

-SetActorFullName works (in my case ,i create a duplicate with createfullactorcopy before)

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You almost got it. You have to construct the full name in advance in a string var and pass it to SetActorFullName. For example:


string_var newName
. . . 
let newName := "Sister " + oldName
newnpc.SetActorFullName $newName


For other OBSE string functions, check the "String Variables" section of the OBSE documentation [download from here] and this WIKI page

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Thanks :-) (it worked!!!)


So far

For anyone interested

you dont have to create fullactorcopy like mentioned before

name remains permanently after the save-load

i putted sv_destruct at the end to destroy the variables so that they dont stay in the savegame(i think!)





ScriptName AAAcreateName

string_var oldName ;Declaring variable
string_var newName
Ref newNpc

Begin Function {}

PrintToConsole "changing Name"
Let newnpc := AAARelYieldQuest.suractor ;(in my mod)
let oldName := newnpc.GetName
let newName := "Sister " + oldName
If newnpc.GetInFaction BanditFaction
newnpc.SetFactionRank BanditFaction -1
newnpc.SetActorFullName "bandit prisoner"


newnpc.SetActorFullName $newName


sv_Destruct oldName newName ;just in case for savegame


Edited by kastano
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