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Exporting Faces from save files?


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Is there a way to export, face morph from a save file and then convert that into it's own morph?


Like if I wanted to say, make a new face using the editor, make a save file with that character, could i take that character's face and put it on another, so long as they are the same gender and race?

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Not that I know of although its possible to move a face from save to save, try if you feel comfortable in the DA toolset.


First, some info:

I didn't see it mentioned in here, but there IS a way to change a character's face without specifying a morph. It takes some extra steps,

but it DOES circumvent the problem with shape-changers being broken, and it allows you to use the faces of other characters without having

to re-make their faces in the morph tool. It is not too difficult:

Under the SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR -> SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR_CHAR tree, you'll find an entry called SAVEGAME_PLAYER_MORPH. This field contains (in

hexadecimal form) all the info for the player's head. First, open the save that you want to copy the head from and simply right-click and

copy this entry, or open up the field and copy the huge block of hex info. Then open up the save that you want to copy the head to and

either delete the entry then paste in the new one or, if you just copied the hex info, click "Paste Values". Save the file, and you're good

to go. If you have already created a morph and would like to use it, but don't want to break shapeshifting, simply open the morph in the

toolkit and save it as as preset (a .mop file), then create a new character using that preset. That save file will now contain the hex info

for your head in the SAVEGAME_PLAYER_MORPH entry. There are two things you should know, however:


- The hex data includes ALL the head data, not just the face -- if you copy a human head and paste it onto an elf, you won't get an elf with

a human face, you'll get an elf body with a human head floating above it.

- Working with older savegames in the toolkit can be difficult because of the GFFEditor "out of memory" problem. If you've been playing your

character for a long time and you've experienced that bug, you may have to use an older save to be able to save it in the toolkit.

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They make in DA toolset, export as .mor for npc or .mop for player. But (I think)he's asking for a morph from a save converted into a .mop/.mor preset, which I don't know how to.


Also Bioware was nice enough to release the npc morph source files for modifications within toolset, hence how my DA mod exists at all and the likely reason for others that exist.


I am a modding noob/tool/<insert loser title here>/idiot so of course I may be wrong, I have a habit of making a fool of myself.

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