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cant open vanilla objects with blender

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Somehow i can not open vanilla oblivion meshes with blender.

When i go to import->NetImmerse/Gamebryo and i select a .nif file, then i click the import button, then i can set the scale and this stuff (i have everything set to default),

but when i click the ok button, a warning appears which says "Python script error: check the console"


Then the console says:


Blender NIF Scripts 2.4.9 (running on Blender 249, PyFFI 2.1.2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymo
dules\nif_common.py", line 1015, in guiButtonEvent
 File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymo
dules\nif_common.py", line 1324, in guiExit
 File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\nif_i
mport.py", line 3472, in config_callback
importer = NifImport(**config)
 File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\nif_i
mport.py", line 231, in __init__
for b in (b for b in block.tree()
 File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\nif_i
mport.py", line 233, in <genexpr>
and b.isSkin()):
AttributeError: 'NiTriStrips' object has no attribute 'isSkin'


Can anybody here help me please?


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No, I don't have a solution, but I think I know the problem.


By default, the import NIF script is set to import the version from Morrowind, but not Oblivion. So somewhere you need to set the NIF version value to a number I can't remember.


I don't exactly remember and don't have the time to look, but I think this is where I read that: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...ture_Meshes_101


If not, try the blender wiki: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro


EDIT: I could never find that setting myself, so good luck.

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