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Broken Steel bug


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Are you able to see it Elder Lyons is standing there in the room? He's supposed to talk to you, which triggers you getting up. If he's just standing there not doing anything, fixing it may be as simple as using the console to force that part of the quest to begin (I'll search through the wiki for that code). If he's not in the room that might complicate things a bit more.


Also, have you tried reloading an earlier save?

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Are you able to see it Elder Lyons is standing there in the room? He's supposed to talk to you, which triggers you getting up. If he's just standing there not doing anything, fixing it may be as simple as using the console to force that part of the quest to begin (I'll search through the wiki for that code). If he's not in the room that might complicate things a bit more.


Also, have you tried reloading an earlier save?


He's in the opposite room trying to get to me.. And, thank you! But, I tried reloading at least 6 times.

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This particular bug/glitch is not listed on the wiki http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Death_From_Above but it sounds like you're stuck just because Lyons is having path-finding problems and can't get close enough to you trigger the sequence. That said, I'm not sure using the setstage code will have the desired effect.

Since you are at the very start, the code should be player.setstage XX000802 according to the wiki, but if Lyons is still stuck in the next room it may not work.


How can you tell he's in the next room, did you TFC out of your body and look? If you did, then do it again go back to where he is and use the TCL (no clip) command directly on Lyons by clicking him before you type it. He will still attempt to use path-finding, but after a few seconds he should suddenly appear on the other side of whatever is blocking him. Be sure to TFC again and get back in your body before he gets to you.

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This particular bug/glitch is not listed on the wiki http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Death_From_Above but it sounds like you're stuck just because Lyons is having path-finding problems and can't get close enough to you trigger the sequence. That said, I'm not sure using the setstage code will have the desired effect.

Since you are at the very start, the code should be player.setstage XX000802 according to the wiki, but if Lyons is still stuck in the next room it may not work.


How can you tell he's in the next room, did you TFC out of your body and look? If you did, then do it again go back to where he is and use the TCL (no clip) command directly on Lyons by clicking him before you type it. He will still attempt to use path-finding, but after a few seconds he should suddenly appear on the other side of whatever is blocking him. Be sure to TFC again and get back in your body before he gets to you.


Command didn't do anything, and he's still stuck. Grawrr. Any way to bring him to me or me to him without it glitching?

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Okay I found this posted in the Broken Steel bug report section of the wiki http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Broken_Steel_bugs

pc After the, "Two Weeks Later" cutscene, you are given full control of the player at the Citadel, and Elder Lyons is nowhere to be found. On the Pip-Boy it says that "Take it Back!" and "Project Impurity" are not completed. Speaking to Elder Lyons by finding him doesn't work. A fix that worked for me was to open the console and then type:

player.placeatme 000156E4 This allowed Elder Lyons' script to be reset, and it completed "Take it Back!" and "Project Impurity" as well as giving me "Death From Above".

That is Lyons base ID code. I have to say I don't like the idea of using the placeatme command because I've been told it can create doubles of people, but no one on the wiki has protested this fix method.


!!!!! EDIT !!!!!


In Broken Steel, after the 2 weeks later cut scene your character gets stuck unable to move.


fix - save the game while stuck, then load it. It should make Elder Lyons pop up in front of you. Then, open up the console and type in EnablePlayerControls. That should give you control of your character again and you should be able to talk to Lyons and progress.


Save to a new slot, that sounds much much safer than using the placeatme command.

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