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How to edit contrast in a mod


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I merged a mod into a compilation and it made my contrast super bright in the game. Even turning the contrast in the config to 1 bar isnt nearly good enough. Since I merged it, its kinda hard to take out what it added, but was wandering using FO3 edit, what files would I , or could I change to alter the contrast.
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uh... bump /



Whatever it is, is probably listed in game settings, or in globals. Not many would know about this problem, if anyone at all has ever had it. You'll only see it in FO3edit if it's been changed, not all the game settings or globals are displayed, but if you know where to look, which is some where in the tabs when in geck, you can see all the available game settings or globals, most of it is hidden.


If one of your mods changed something to do with the contrast then they should be in there somewhere in that part of the load order for that mod, load the whole load order in FO3edit, find the mod you "merged" then open it, start at the top an work your way down until you find what you messed up.




How did you merge the mods? Why did you need to merge them?

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