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What did you expect to find...


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You're right, those warehouses are weirdly barren - as if something has severely affected trade in the city. They're more like old cast-off junk rooms than warehouses.


Water transport is MUCH cheaper than over-land transport especially for anything heavy - this is still true today, so I really expected those warehouses to be packed with goods.


I expected to find:


1 - barrels of food: apples, potatoes, carrots, onions, etc. Crates/sacks of flour and corn. A rack of dried fish

2 - trade goods: armor, farming implements, wool, clothing.

3 - specialty items like alchemical ingredients and a few chests of alchemy equipment shipped in from High Rock.

4 - storage/goods in transit to and from the major shops and inns in the city. (new silverware for the inn in Talos plaza, shipments of beer and wine [in barrels or bottles] to all the inns, iron ingots for the armor/weapons shops, skeins of dyed wool for the clothiers, shipments of new pottery dishes and pewterware)

5 - I was really hoping for some personal delivery items: a new diary for Amantius Alectus along with books for the bookshop, new shoes for Ida Vlinorman, etc.

6 - a guard that had some awareness of his surroundings, and could actually notice the door opening or closing.

7 - notes/bills of sale on or in some of the crates and chests


I'd also like to see some shady stuff going on like smuggling of dwemer goods, unworked ebony ore, (too heavy to move, and nearly impossible to sell, but worth HUGE money) and skooma as David Brasher pointed out.


You could also have smuggling from other provinces than Morrowind.



Other ideas:


An illegal distillery in one of the boarded-up warehouses. (you could use some of the hist tree piping and some vats)


Maybe find a hidden ledger detailing the smuggling operation, and have the choice of (1) blackmailing the smuggler [with the risk that they'll just hire the Dark Brotherhood to take you out if you get greedy, or a one-time payment/gift from Ocato or the city guard if you turn in the evidence] or (2) you get clues to where the smuggler hides the gold or clues as to who carries what sensitive stuff, and when.



Kudos to you for thinking of doing something with the warehouses.

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There should be ample quantities of all those things you see in the game that have no visible way of otherwise being in the game. Things like apples and pears and oranges and beef have to come from someplace, right?

Lots of bolts of cloth of various colors should be found for the local folks to turn into clothes.

Plates and cups and such and other consumer goods should be plentiful.


I would think the place could be roughly divided into two parts, with imports on one side and exports on the other. Venison, corn, and tobacco would make good exports.

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Was reading a bit of history (Venice) -- It had some ideas.


8 - rolls of leather and cloth - the game has thick cow-hide shoes, but no rolls of thick cow-hide, doeskin shoes, but no doeskin leather?


9 - Lumber - straight boards and half-finished furniture, basically a carpentry workshop for all the wooden stuff in the city.

the game already has boards, you'd just need to retexture them to look newer. A few doors of different types waiting to be delivered and installed, a few windows, a desk, etc.


10 - small barrels of dye for cloth and leather (setscale 0.5 for small size)


11 - barrels of oil (oiled linen shoes in game) also presumably some oil is used in making the bread


12 - tallow / bees wax for all the candles in the game - barrels marked 'tallow' and 'wax' and crates of candles

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Was reading a bit of history (Venice) -- It had some ideas.

If you have the knowledge to create all these new unique items, and are willing, I would be more than happy to add them into my mod.

I have very limited skills with the CS so I try to keep things simple. Every new mod I create is a learning experience for me. At this time Im still playing with just the right way to build the new Leveled Lists.

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