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How do you guys organise your music directories?


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Hey Nexus,


This post assumes you're on a Windows OS. I use both Win7 and a few variations of GNU/Linux however I only play music on my Windows PC so my folder structure should be similar to yours.


Currently my music is organised like so;




But I was thinking of switching to simply \Music\Artist\Album because lots of music falls under more than one genre. What about naming your audio files? I currently name like this;


Artist - 01 - Track name


Does anyone else have a better method of keeping things neat? ^^



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Not even by album. I don't really change the file names. I prefer just track name and use the metatag to keep track of artist name and album,



Buuuuut, I have music from so many different genres and subgenres including songs in different genres from the same artists and like you, songs that belong in multiple genres, it's just a cluster f*#@.


It sucks in that sometimes I just want to listen to music from a certain genre or a subgenre and it's kinda hard to wade through relatively small library to find those songs.


But then, that's what playlists are for.

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