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Enclave officer half an inch high


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I have an enclave officer who I thought was invisible but have since found is about half an inch high or less. I have killed him on many occasions but he still re-spawns tiny. He is causing a lot of problems as he is hard to hit for Outcast troopers and NPC’s. Only melee users can kill him apparently. Anyone else had this trouble? And what can I do about it
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Did you by chance installed any height altering mods? Like NPC height randomizer mod that give you and NPC random heights when you start the game.


No I’ve never installed anything like that. As I said I thought the Officer was invisible to start with until I grabbed him using the Groovatron and brought him close to me and with the right background you can see him. I was hoping someone would come up with a consol command to put him right. It’s the only NPC in the whole game that is affected like this. Maybe it’s a glitch or something. I put him in stasis and transported him to an interior cell I never go to anymore and left him there. I thought putting him right would be a better option.

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Try this console command.


Click on the enclave commander, then type "setscale 1" His default height should be 1. If you still think he is too short or tall then try smaller or larger scales. Hope this works for you.


Thank You. I think I tried that but can’t remember if I put the one after setscale will try again when I get home tonight.

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Try this console command.


Click on the enclave commander, then type "setscale 1" His default height should be 1. If you still think he is too short or tall then try smaller or larger scales. Hope this works for you.


Thank You. I think I tried that but can’t remember if I put the one after setscale will try again when I get home tonight.


Sorry it took so long to reply, I lost the run of him for a while, I thought the game had finally removed him, and then I found him killing some raiders in Foggy Bottom Station? I used the consol command as suggested “setscale 1” which brought him to his proper size. Then I grabbed him put him in stasis using the Groovatron took him back to his spawn point. I then released him and killed him. Hopefully when he re-spawns he will retain his proper size.


I thank you for your assistance I must have forgotten to put the 1 after setscale.

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Try this console command.


Click on the enclave commander, then type "setscale 1" His default height should be 1. If you still think he is too short or tall then try smaller or larger scales. Hope this works for you.


Thank You. I think I tried that but can’t remember if I put the one after setscale will try again when I get home tonight.


Sorry it took so long to reply, I lost the run of him for a while, I thought the game had finally removed him, and then I found him killing some raiders in Foggy Bottom Station? I used the consol command as suggested “setscale 1” which brought him to his proper size. Then I grabbed him put him in stasis using the Groovatron took him back to his spawn point. I then released him and killed him. Hopefully when he re-spawns he will retain his proper size.


I thank you for your assistance I must have forgotten to put the 1 after setscale.


No problem, glad it worked out for you.

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