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Raider respawn


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I have a mod that makes me friendly with raiders and ever now and then i use my compainon on to take them out and kill people alover the wasteland and now and then we lose a raider no biggy


But my prob is that after a while all the raiders will be dead and respawn in random spots in the wasteland where the died fighting for me...is there anyway to make them all respawn back where they belong with out haveing to start over?

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You could carry their corpses back. Or maybe use the console to move them. To use the console, click on their copse and note the ID, then FT to where you want them to respawn and type this into the console:


prid xxxxxxxx (where the Xs are the ID of the corpse)

moveto player



that should teleport ther corpse to the player, and when they respawn, they will respawn where you put the corpse.

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