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Terran Battlecruiser


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This is a relatively large request, so if you do not plan on the effort of such a large mod then simply step back. My request in short is to have someone make a Terran Battlecruiser. The details are below.


Quest wise, I have an Idea:


You recieve some strange radio signal from miles away where these "marines" are sending distress SOS calls out to the wasteland for help. The Coordinates of the radio's location is uploaded onto your pip-boy. When you get within a certain distance, the draw distance should make the Battlecruiser visible, hovering over a few hundred feet high and a giant gargantuan object of a ship in the horizon. When you arrive you should be right underneath the thing. The idea goes that the marines on the ground are calling for recruits to be sent aboard the Battlecruiser to defeat the Enclave's invasion and boarding of the ship. The only reason the battlecruiser isn't under Enclave control is due to the fact the bridge is not taken yet, and your objectives is to locate the bridge and stop the enclave before they control the ship. To get there however, you have to combat enclave soldiers with a squad of marines all the way to the bridge in tight corridors on the ship. Once you arrive to the bridge the admiral will tell you that the engine bay has no response and the Enclave and seeking to blow up the Battlecruiser as a last ditch effort. You then work your way through to the ship and clear out enclave soldiers all the way to the control room to get access to the engine room and then stop the enclave from detonating the four massive engines in the rear. After you complete this, you then have to eliminate a second wave of enclave to board the ship again and get to the bridge to keep the admiral safe. Once the Battlecruiser is in good hands, you will then be rewarded with your own personal First Class bunk room as a personal player house with 100% access to the Armory, Bridge, Hangar, Engine Room, Control room, Med Facility, Cafeteria, And Crew Quarters each room complete with special items and characters to meet. You are able to get on and off the Battlecruiser Via Transport aircraft to the Hangar bay.


Vendor list:


Quartermaster - Armory (Buys and sells armnament, armor, ammo, and other goods.)

Ship Cook - Cafeteria (Supplies food and drrinks.)

Ship Medic - Med Facility (Supplies Medical stimpaks, drugs, and heals rads or damaged body, Also sells Medic armor!)

Ship SCV - (Repairs anything to 100% for free.)


Also: What about having Satcom Mini-Nuke strikes in open celled enviroments (The wasteland, not interiors to buildings.) that are called from the Battlecruiser.


I was hoping someone could come up with a plan for making a Battlecruiser mesh (The world Object) and then making the interior using Enclave Cell blocks to make up the ship's interior. I wonder if I could ask Jaysus to make the Medic armor from SC as well..


This project would be large, but I would like to live in a battlecruiser.

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I could probably do something like that. I have a lot of experience with the GECK and this seems feasible. It's just that it will take a very long time though, based on what you want. I am nearly finished my mod and when I am done, I'll probably look into this. Just so you know, I don't design new objects for the game but instead use the DLC's as resource.
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The only DLC's I possess is The Pitt, and Operation: Anchorage. However, I do wish to pick up the other three at some point. We just need someone to make the meshes for the BC, etc.


This would be a great mod.

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