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FCOM Convergence problem


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You do. Like you say, no mesh. You've got one missing or in the wrong place, or perhaps merged something you shouldn't have, or you're missing some of the resources. I can't tell you the folders/files that are missing at the minute as I'm at work, but before we go down that nice complicated path anyways double check the docs... you've got it all, ya? Sounds like a silly question but FCOM is a real pain to install (well worth the aggro IMO, but still)



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OOO has Harvest Containers incorporated into it so you could check to see if you have these folders:





If not you should either reinstall the OOO resources or you can also download the Harvest Containers mod and install only the meshes and textures, but not the esp.




If you've never played OOO by itself before installing FCOM you'll find these containers are animated. Barrels have lids that flip open and cupboard doors and drawers also open and close. To close them again just go into sneak mode.


Another thing with OOO is if you try to open a container in combat you may get a purple glow. This is to do with the Lock Bash feature where you can Bash open a container if you're strong enough. It's not an error. Otherwise to lock pick it normally go into sneak mode OR make sure your weapon is sheathed.


You'll also find Trapped containers which some people in the past found gave them a quick CTD when attempting to open them, IF you use a magic mod that uses numbers to count down spell effects rather than the default timer effect. I think this was fixed though.


More info here:



Or the most up to date here at the Bethsoft Forums:


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