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Building LIP files and FUZ files issue


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God dangit this thing is pissing me off now. Finally get around to trying this. I unfuz my fuz files and have Wave files now, I go to Gameplay -> Facial animations and choose yes and it doesn't do a damned thing. No other menus, no wait time, no freeze and wait, NOTHING. Any ideas?


EDIT: Also trying the Steam launch property option (though I manually did this myself before via DOS shell), and the creation kit seems to keep crashing

Download and install CK for Fallout 4 but place it in the default Bethesda Launcher destination. Afterwards go to Program Files (x64 or x86 depending on your PC)> Bethesda Launcher> games. There you'll find the CK for Fallout. Next copy the Tools to your Skyrim folder, should replace a few items and create new tools. Once thats done, go back to CK for Fallout 4 folder Data > and copy the sound folder to the Data folder for Skyrim.


Close CK for Skyrim, re-open and run as Admin (skip this step, if editing textures and meshes), select master files, your mod.esp as active file... job done!


Should work fine, when forcing new facial animations for added dialogue but there is a lengthy wait depending on your PC's specs. My PC can take anything from 1hr - 3hrs depending on how many lines of dialogue have been changed/added.

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