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Beta tester for a Saerileth companion makeover


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A friend of mine and I have been working on a Saerileth companion make over. I now have permission from her original author to release this make over. She will still have the same AI, dialogue, voice, quest line, ect. as the original, but we gave her a new face and some new gear. She doesn't look quite as Asian anymore but still looks exotic. This is how she looked in my mind's eye the first time I heard her voice and read her descripton and dialogue. She is now an elf based on Ren's whose looks fit the storyline...i.e. black hair, blue eyes, and fits the description of a "Paladin of extraordinary beauty"....in my opinion anyway.


The first one to post gets the beta test. Please have at least a basic understanding of installing mods successfully.


Here is a screen shot of how Saerileth looks in our modification "make over". If this appeals to you, we will have this up as soon as beta testing is over.


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