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very hard animation request for superheroes mod


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Ok ive been making the Heroes mod for some time, I originally wanted to wrap it up some monthes ago and made a final version.

However recently I decided to do some tweaking.

Firstly, this is a serious request, I have spent many monthes creating this mod and have a fair amount of backing,

Basically, the only way to get offensive powers into the game (shooting fire, telekenesis etc) was to use weapons, and they appea in the game as invisible pistols.

Obviously, this can pass for most people, but ive seen and use mods that replace the animations for weapons etc.


Now to the Request.

I really have no animation experience, and would like someone to make an animation, something along the lines of the character throwing something (like a grenade) but with an open palm (like oblivion spells) if you can understand that. So it looks like they are actually shooting a superpower like throwing a fireball.


But now the hard part I guess, I also want to create a new weapon type. Not a new weapon, a new type.

Like, onehandpistol, twohandmellee etc to use as a power. The reason for this is because I cant just replace an old one with new animations, because then all guns in the game will follow it too.


The animation will be possible, but can the new weapon type be done?

even with just the animation, im sure I can script it so when the weapon fires it plays the spell throwing animation, but the new weapon type would just be a bonus.


Of course all credit for the modder who does this will be shown on the readme and mod page.

Please if anyone has any interest in helping with this project please respond, its in its last stages of development but what ive said here is the one thing I get constant requests about.

If no one can do this, could you point me in the direction of any master level animators or modders that might be able to help,



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Instead of the invisible pistol, have you thought about a molotov cocktail changed into a fireball/electricity/etc?

Then you could also run around with your burning hands throwing around fireballs that explode on impact (as opposed to bouncing around like a grenade). You also wouldn't have to wait for an animation solution that might not be forthcoming.

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Yeah Ive tried using the grenade animation, but for some reason the game locks up and keeps throwing over and over. It something to do with the actual nif file not being compatibale somehow as a grenade like item. The only animation that doesnt lock up the game is the pistol one, I dont know anything about animations, so I dont know why this does that.

But I guess any animator making this would know how to solve that problem

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