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How can I add Sounds ?


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Before altering any sounds, remember to do this first. Locate your Fallout.ini file within My Documents/

My Games/Fallout3, change bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 to bInvalidateOlderFiles=1


Download this first - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9614 Supermutant voice overs.


That mod can be your guideline. If you do plan on doing voices to them. For their voices, make sure they are in .ogg format, placed in the correct folder and correct file names.


For changing sounds made by them, open up G.E.C.K. Data, load fallout.esm. Go to sound category, type supermutant. Double click the one that you want to change for example NPCSuperMutantFootLeft, you will see a directory fx\npc\supermutant\foot\left. Copy your sound file and place them there example : E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\sound\fx\npc\supermutant\foot\left (drop your sound file here) Rename it as supermutant_foot_left_01.wav. You may add as many as you like just replace supermutant_foot_left_xx.wav. Make sure your sound files are in .wav format. You do not need to make any backups, if you dislike your new sounds, just delete them. Hope this answers your question.

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I downloaded the mod you mentioned, but i cannot really figure it out

i wanted to add some dialogue things the supes should say, don't i have to go to the geck for that and do something there ? cause i thought i had to tinker around with the existing dialogues or something like that because of how frequent they shall say the things or so

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You do not need to thinker in G.E.C.K actually. If you can play .Ogg files, just listen to the downloaded version one by one, I do not think the mod adds new voices but only lowered their voice pitch to make them sound more serious and mutated. Figure out what you want for their voices then do the same as the mod (the renaming and install directory). Start the game to see if they'll playing the sound correctly. If you want to alter frequency, you must have your sound files ready to be made into .esp files (script). You'll need to create the sound ID's from scratch, one by one, then alter the settings. Explanation for the settings can be found here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Sound
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