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Replacing a characters head with a skull, or Skull/Skeleton mask.


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Is there a mod that can replace character's head with a skull? Or any other mean's too do that?


Alternatively, is there a mask or Helmet of good quality that would produce that look. I tried the older Grim Reaper mod but I find it too blurry, and the jaw is misshaped, especially when crouching.


Just something that looks like the skeletons in the game, nothing too stylized.


Thank you any help.




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ShmweShmwe, thank you for the reply. I checked that one out yesterday, but it's not what I was hoping for. I want it to appear that the skull is all there is, empty inside. The eyes showing though, on that one, and no jaw bone on those keep me looking elsewhere. It is a cool mod though.


I have been looking in my free time for the last couple of days, I tried Google, the steam workshop, and the search engine here on the Nexus. Also manually searching on this site with all categories that I thought could be related. The Grim Reaper mod would be good if it was better quality, and not so buggy. I also saw the Ghost Rider mod, but I don't want it to be flaming, and I couldn't determine the quality of the skull texture. I have seen many stylized mods with Punisher themes and such, but as I stated that not what I'm looking for.


I found two that allowed me play as a skeleton. but both were buggy.


I also read of one called Death's Guise, but it seems to not be available anymore.

I did find the HEVNORAAK mask with no eyes from the unique dragon priest masks, and I think that might be the one I settle with. It is more stylized than I wanted, but it, like all the masks from that collection are very impressive.


Ideally something that could replace my characters head with that of a regular human skull is want I am looking for. I would like to be able to equip any hoods, helmets etc. that could be equipped on any other character. I imagine it would look like the first picture posted on one of the playable skeleton mods seen here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20437/?

Edited by metalrooster722
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