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radiation from what?

why isn't there any plant-life?


your not making any sense, we have real world models of exactly how quickly the world recovers at ground zero and we also know that the entire stockpile of nuclear weapons isn't enough to effect every small town in a country as large as the U.S. so what exactly are you basing your comments on besides that article?

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radiation from what?

why isn't there any plant-life?


your not making any sense, we have real world models of exactly how quickly the world recovers at ground zero and we also know that the entire stockpile of nuclear weapons isn't enough to effect every small town in a country as large as the U.S. so what exactly are you basing your comments on besides that article?



The half-life of uranium 238 is 4.5 billion years.


Based it on common knowledge. How could there be plant life? Bees are the ones that pollinate and animals spread their seeds around. Studies had shown that the only likely creatures to survive in a nuclear holocaust or fallout are cockroaches. After the nuclear holocaust, food chain would be altered drastically for the remaining creatures. There will not be plant life unless human civilization manage to create robotic bees with artificial intelligence to do the bee's job as quoted by the well known Michio Kaku . Where did you get information about "the entire stockpile of nuclear weapons isn't enough to effect every small town in a country"? In fact there are enough in the world to destroy all civilization.


I think the Mods should move this topic to the debate section if possible.

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the United States is 3.79 million square miles. the largest bomb ever detonated effected a 25 mile range. given those facts it would take 151,600 of the largest hydrogen devices to effect every area in the country.


Also if you would have read further up we were talking about the islands in the south pacific called Bikini Atol. This was the site of numerous nuclear tests by the U.S. from 1947 on. the recovery of that island chain to include plant life and animals and even HUMAN occupation has been studied extensively. it is noted that radiation from the site is much less than living in some higher elevations in the U.S.


I can sit here and spit fact at you all day but i fail to see the reason. this is all information you can google so if you ever feel the need to educate yourself with more than just "Cost to Coast with George Norry" fiction then please take a look.

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the United States is 3.79 million square miles. the largest bomb ever detonated effected a 25 mile range. given those facts it would take 151,600 of the largest hydrogen devices to effect every area in the country.


Also if you would have read further up we were talking about the islands in the south pacific called Bikini Atol. This was the site of numerous nuclear tests by the U.S. from 1947 on. the recovery of that island chain to include plant life and animals and even HUMAN occupation has been studied extensively. it is noted that radiation from the site is much less than living in some higher elevations in the U.S.


I can sit here and spit fact at you all day but i fail to see the reason. this is all information you can google so if you ever feel the need to educate yourself with more than just "Cost to Coast with George Norry" fiction then please take a look.


Well, I'm not going to stay in this thread anymore. It is not logical to further "murder" myself in here. You have your own facts, so do I. First time in Nexus that I feel the regret of coming to view or even post in this particular thread. You're also the first person that I've come across in the forum that has been this impolite to me. Don't know if you should give yourself a pat on the back. If you have nothing nice to say, best not say anything at all. Same as what blaa.nOx said, I do not think you'll get much help with your attitude. Best of luck with your own modding ideas and all the best.

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radiation from what?

why isn't there any plant-life?


your not making any sense, we have real world models of exactly how quickly the world recovers at ground zero and we also know that the entire stockpile of nuclear weapons isn't enough to effect every small town in a country as large as the U.S. so what exactly are you basing your comments on besides that article?


It is common knowledge for even young schoolboys/girls that there is only very slow recovery, if any after a ground zero.

Look at Hiroshima and Nagasagi, the still suffer from children borned with genetic errors.

Even plants are having genetic errors, thus mutating.


The Hiroshima bomb was just a "fire-cracker" compared to what the nuclear nations have to day.

The entire stockpile can still wipe out the entire planet several times.


If you don´t belive me, Google it.

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Studies had shown that the only likely creatures to survive in a nuclear holocaust or fallout are cockroaches. After the nuclear holocaust, food chain would be altered drastically for the remaining creatures. There will not be plant life unless human civilization manage to create robotic bees with artificial intelligence to do the bee's job as quoted by the well known Michio Kaku .


I'm sorry but thats just a research failure, cockroaches are only slightly more likely to survive than us, which is not a lot. The actual animal that is most likely to survive is a breed of fly, and flies actually polinate plants, as do various other insects which are likely to survive. Whether plants can survive unchanged enough to pollinate is another matter entirely.

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radiation from what?

why isn't there any plant-life?


your not making any sense, we have real world models of exactly how quickly the world recovers at ground zero and we also know that the entire stockpile of nuclear weapons isn't enough to effect every small town in a country as large as the U.S. so what exactly are you basing your comments on besides that article?


It is common knowledge for even young schoolboys/girls that there is only very slow recovery, if any after a ground zero.

Look at Hiroshima and Nagasagi, the still suffer from children borned with genetic errors.

Even plants are having genetic errors, thus mutating.


The Hiroshima bomb was just a "fire-cracker" compared to what the nuclear nations have to day.

The entire stockpile can still wipe out the entire planet several times.


If you don´t belive me, Google it.


here's the issue with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. if you take a single fetus effected during the developmental stages of life by neutron or gamma radiation there is a slight chance that the child will be born with a genetic disorder. if that child grows up and has children and even grandchildren of his or her own guess what. that child will almost always show effects of the same disorder. the problem with a nuclear blast isn't the half life of the radiation because as we know now emitters disperse very quickly through wind water and earth erosion. the problem is from the initial flash referred to as the "gamma burst". this burst of gamma and neutron radiation can alter the genetic structure of anything it touches.


As for your "firecracker" analysis i will agree that the modern hydrogen device is much more powerful then the fatman of old. does that mean that every "Nuclear Nation" has a stockpile of deploy-able 100MT Tzar Bomba? no..... shortly after the hydrogen bomb was detonated in Bikini Atol the U.S. started to see that bigger bombs had absolutely no real tactical advantage so we started stockpiling a much more deploy-able adaptation of the "fatman" it is now referred to as both the tactical and strategic nuclear warhead. these warheads can be adapted to fit nearly all modern warfare vehicles of delivery allowing us to put a 35KT blast anywhere at any time.


besides I don't know about you but I don't really fear the man who wants a million nukes, I greatly fear the man that only needs one.

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besides I don't know about you but I don't really fear the man who wants a million nukes, I greatly fear the man that only needs one.


Yeah, so says Morgan Freeman in a film (forgot the title).

Still I fear every nuclear bombs produced on this earth.

Whether they are hold by single madmens or millitary (can be madmens too)

they are still able to wipe this planet clean, and thats for many years.

I am happy that negotiations about disarmament still goes on once in a while,

and we continue to put pressure on contries that are reluctant to do so.

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