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250 years later?


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besides I don't know about you but I don't really fear the man who wants a million nukes, I greatly fear the man that only needs one.


Yeah, so says Morgan Freeman in a film (forgot the title).

Still I fear every nuclear bombs produced on this earth.

Whether they are hold by single madmens or millitary (can be madmens too)

they are still able to wipe this planet clean, and thats for many years.

I am happy that negotiations about disarmament still goes on once in a while,

and we continue to put pressure on contries that are reluctant to do so.


your thinking of "the sum of all fears". the line i quoted was Nicole Kidman talking to George Clooney in the movie "the peacekeeper". what its referring to is that a man that wants several bombs wants the power and recognition whereas A man who only NEEDS a single bomb has a plan and is a threat to everyone around him.


my point by this is that the threat of nuclear war has not died but nearly changed. The countermeasures against any type of CONVENTIONAL military deployment are so far advanced that there is almost no way an air dropped or rocket propelled warhead will ever touch American soil. no super power in the world will ever bother with nukes unless they are the first to be attacked. the threat now lies in the single man crossing a land border with a single core and detonating it in a highly populated area. such as LA, Phoenix, El Paso, Huston, or even Dallas.


your welcome to fear the the M.A.D. project and a cold war style nuclear war but its just not something that's ever going to happen. if a bomb ever does go off in our homeland it will be without warning and will erase all evidence of who is responsible for it.

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If anything bugs me about fallout 3 its this (but if it were like this the game wouldent be fun



ok if the WHOLE WORLD was nuked the nuke radiation would be horrible but Megaton...wouldnt exsist.....Rivet City....nope...plenty more but the only things left on the surface would be sediment and fine grain rubble.


no way anything that wasnt protected by a DEEP underground bunker built for EXTREME conditions would be around


tell me how a whole house could burn to the ground in a matter of minutes but a nuclear explosion with the temperture to melt a human or turn them to dust instantly only burn half a house?????????????????????????????/ :wallbash:

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tell me how a whole house could burn to the ground in a matter of minutes but a nuclear explosion with the temperture to melt a human or turn them to dust instantly only burn half a house?

Nukes are most effective detonated in the air. But we have a ground zero where the actual explosion takes place, destroying pretty much anything then we have the rest where anything flammable is vaporized then we have a shockwave which bulldozes whats left. Odds are some buildings would survive standing, but barely.

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A nuclear impact will blow billons of tons of evaporated water into stratosphere. If we think about worse scenario, that it is a world wide nuclear war, the planet will be totally covered with dust and water clouds in the atmosphere, known as nuclear winter. The temperature will drop radically. When air cools down it can hold less water, which will then fall out of the clouds(known as rain). In this case it will probably be snow, world wide snow.

How long this blizzard will last, nobody can tell. There are guesses from 10-100 years.

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still another thing is also that anyone and everyone would have mutations because no matter your big walls radiation will get to you it wouldnt just be in tiny areas plus enough nukes dropped to topple the world i dont think people saying the radiation would have left by now is correct but lets keep in mind it was basicly the 50's all the way through so they also would not have much knowledge to do things like make a car or things to help rebuild other then the fact that MAYBE someone passed it on through at least 2 or 3 sons/daughters to still be around



Fallout3 is not meantto be a futuristic game but thats the mind trick toit, many think its 2277 wheres the flying cars and advanced tech. Thats not how it works imagine the 1950's and its government now imagine one progressing and one stoping.

The 70's??....never happened...the 80's???.....never happened.....and so forth everything from the 50's is the same EXCEPT!!!! the military but now its a dictatorship and people are mislead by them and fooled them sure we have plasma weapons but cell phones dont exsist and it was rare to have a computer unless you owned a big company or if you were in the government.

binary computers,rodery phones,and old time radio, and black and white tvs,no cable or satilite,perculators, no microwaves no cd players, eight tracks, cassets, no dvd players,or vhs. Just a decade a way from bulky cells and a better radio:P

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  • 2 weeks later...
still another thing is also that anyone and everyone would have mutations because no matter your big walls radiation will get to you it wouldnt just be in tiny areas plus enough nukes dropped to topple the world i dont think people saying the radiation would have left by now is correct but lets keep in mind it was basicly the 50's all the way through so they also would not have much knowledge to do things like make a car or things to help rebuild other then the fact that MAYBE someone passed it on through at least 2 or 3 sons/daughters to still be around



Fallout3 is not meantto be a futuristic game but thats the mind trick toit, many think its 2277 wheres the flying cars and advanced tech. Thats not how it works imagine the 1950's and its government now imagine one progressing and one stoping.

The 70's??....never happened...the 80's???.....never happened.....and so forth everything from the 50's is the same EXCEPT!!!! the military but now its a dictatorship and people are mislead by them and fooled them sure we have plasma weapons but cell phones dont exsist and it was rare to have a computer unless you owned a big company or if you were in the government.

binary computers,rodery phones,and old time radio, and black and white tvs,no cable or satilite,perculators, no microwaves no cd players, eight tracks, cassets, no dvd players,or vhs. Just a decade a way from bulky cells and a better radio:P


ok, im going to take a crack at a few of your comments keep in mind i mean no disrespect but being that i work in the nuclear physics field i think i need to clear some things up.


1. "nuclear winter" is caused by massive amounts of dust and ash being kicked up into the atmosphere. it is THEORIZED that enough of this would cause a climactic fallout and result in the huge temperature drop. no water evaporation is calculated into this theory.

2. gamma radiation and neutron radiation are emitted during the flash burn of the blast but both types of radiation have limited range and the farther away you are the less radiation you are exposed to. also gamma and neutron radiation can be shielded against with minimal effort IE a few feet of reinforced concrete and a nice wall of dirt.


the true threat of a nuke is in its blast power. as we all know air compresses so the distance a blast can travel is very limited but the pressure within that blast wave are enough to reduce nearly any structure to dust. as seen with Hiroshima and Nagasaki nearly everything within a mile of ground zero was vaporized. everything outside of that area although damaged or set on fire was otherwise unharmed.


my point is this, people that are exposed to the high gamma and neutron burst will likely die of acute radiation sickness or be burned to death by the gamma radiation. those who are not highly exposed will likely have children born with a physical or mental disability. those who make it underground outside the blast zone will likely survive unharmed and therefore face a long future of surviving the fallout. the people that do survive will be needing full body tight weaved clothing and a respirator to keep alpha and beta contamination to a minimum until it is naturally dispersed by wind and rain. anything made of or with metal will likely become a contact source during the blast and therefore emit minuscule amounts of gamma and neutron radiation within 50 years the radiation levels would be nearly that of background. for people that don't believe this to be fact please see the Bikini Atoll website. you will see that after massive nuclear testing during cold war 1940's the islands are again populated by people and animals and the plant-life is thriving.

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Nuclear winter, though theory, is indeed based on the fact that the atmosphere will hold, besides dust, billions of tons of evaporated water. That´s how theory of perhaps one century of snow has been come to life. The cold created from the shade of the sun is not enough to create this scenary.



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