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Console command to add spell points/books?


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I never was able to get the console to work, so I've always used a couple of mods that achieve the same things.

Beguiler has the most options, IMO, and doesnt take up any slots in your inventory. It does however take up a skill point for any of the toons that will be using it.


beguiler has some really nice cheats. you can systematically add skill, attribute, talent, approval, gold, and tactics slots to the toon that is using it. can even respec using it. You can also use it to add xp to a toon, or make them jump straight up to the next level. A very powerful cheat mod!

its fairly easy to use also. you just spend one talent point to buy the "On" skill. whenever you want to use it, you activate the ON talent, then open up the toon's talents tree. choose the option you want, close the talent tree and then viola!


Metagame Items is another mod that I use-

this one adds items into your inventory that you can use to gain points, gifts that you can give to activate their romance, or harden a character, change gender, background, change party members anywhere, (tho the genderring and background and class rings cause my game to crash...don't recommend using THOSE).




Both of them have abilities to do some of the same things, just through different methods. I use both of them. The metagame items mod is really, really nice for when you want to change party members, on the fly. And having the option to harden a romanced character whenever you want is also nice.

the only thing I dont like about beguiler is having to spend the point on each character. But with the metagame items mod you get books that you can use to buy that point with.


have fun!

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