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Better Equestrianism


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This is an idea that's been bumping around in my head for a while. I've talked about it with a bunch of friends and they've all gotten really excited about it, but alas, I don't have the skill necessary to do it any kind of justice, so I figure I'll post it here. (I apologize in advance if this is long and very detailed and in-depth, but I couldn't help but develop my idea.)


Basically, as someone who works a lot with horses, and knows the ins and outs of their care and whatnot, I dislike how disposable and basic the horses in Skyrim are. They die pretty easily and are just as easily replaced. This does, however, serve a purpose. They are quick and easy and I think a lot of players like that, so instead of changing the default horses, my idea is to add another very special horse.


Lokath is a four year old gelding. His mother was a Taneth Warmblood and his father was a Darkwater Draft. He can be sweet and playful, but also a bit of a handful at times, and even downright stubborn at others, requiring a skilled hand to handle him. You can get Lokath from Agmund the Lame, an old horsemaster with a small stable somewhere in the plains of Whiterun Hold. He won't sell him to you, however. He'll give you Lokath, but only if you do a few favors for him and let him teach you how to care for him.


When the player first gets Lokath, he's got the same stats as a normal horse. However, every time the player grooms, feeds, or waters him, one of his stats increases. Occasionally, special poultices or ointments might need to be applied to ward off flies or heal saddle sores. Feed, grooming supplies, and other basic equipment can be bought from various NPCs at the stables around Skyrim. Specialty items (such as treats or medicine) can either be crafted or bought from Agmund.


In addition, Lokath can be upgraded by crafting better saddle pads, reins, bridles, saddles, saddle bags (which grant a limited storage similar to a follower's inventory), armor, and shoes. Lokath can also be interacted with, providing an array of behavior and personality descriptions.


Occasionally as the player rides Lokath, a message might pop up describing his demeanor or behavior. Some might require the player to choose to correct or reward a certain behavior or ignore it, which might later influence how often the behavior reoccurs.


I don't know if any of this is really feasible or worth the time and effort involved or if there'd really be a "market" for such a mod, but I do know that all those I've shared the idea with have certainly gotten excited about it. While I'm not the most skilled modder, I'd be more than happy to help out in any way possible and provide whatever insight and information might be needed on horse care and the like.

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