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Private Servers?


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First off, are EVE online private servers illegal, and if not; can anyone give me some links? I tried the EVE trial, and I want to buy it; but I don't have enough money to pay for it. So if private servers aren't illegal, then I can play EVE - so can anyone please point me in the right direction?
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There are no "private" servers for eve. There just one server- and you have to pay for that. Paying customers have access to a test server as well.


In case you are looking for a free 3 week trial, send me your email address and I can send you a buddy invite.

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First off, are EVE online private servers illegal, and if not; can anyone give me some links? I tried the EVE trial, and I want to buy it; but I don't have enough money to pay for it. So if private servers aren't illegal, then I can play EVE - so can anyone please point me in the right direction?

ALL private servers are illegal. Just because you may not hear about servers being raided and user lists being taken for prosecution doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I believe several Lineage II servers had this happen a few years back. Discussion of this nature is not allowed on these forums as the concept isn't much different than piracy.


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