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Modder's Needed.


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Well I am going to start a project. The problem is that I need the best modder's, coder's, scripters, and etc to start this. It will take place like in "Lord of The Rings 2", where the Fortress of Gohan meet's the Orcs, Goblins, and Hu Hai Ka (I think) battle. Well I want to attempt this, because I am an A+ coder myself but I am thinking really big.


1. Battle of Gohan Fortress

2. Battle of Gondar

3. Battle of Mordor


Please block out the mis-spelled words, I have been up throughout the night trying to find a "cheap" web site that I can perhaps rent from to start this project. If anyone is interested please email me at [email protected]


Please meet my standards of excellence, or atleast be willing to learn. I would like everyone's help in some way. Especially Dark0ne's.


Preciate it =)


"Retired Modder of Istaria.com"

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