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Dunia 2 Modding Tool not starting (Texture Mod editing)


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I just want to get the enhanced Textures:



but sadly the 'Texture Pack only' Version is down at 2shared ..... and I dont want the s#*! *balance* thing for my Far Cry :cc.



So I will need to tear the Texture + Balance thing apart and then recreate a *Patch.bat/dat* with the Texture only (or other Mods I like).


But the problem is:

When I start the gibbed dunia modding thing, then it closes right away (before I can perform any stuff).




How do I get the Dunia thing to work ? I already tried the first version to latest, and also running as admin for sure. Do you know how to get it working ? Or even better: Do You know a source of the Texture pack ONLY ?? : )

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If what you're doing id double-clicking on the Dunia2 executables, that's what you're doing wrong.


First of all make a copy of the original patch files, for safety reasons.


You have to drag the files on the Dunia2 executables. So, to unpack the patch.dat file, just drag it on the Dunia2.Unpack.exe. You will get a "patch_unpack" folder, rename it to "patch". Then you will need to unpack more files, like .fcb or .lib. To unpack them, you have to drag them on the Dunia2.ConvertBinaryObject.exe. Then, you will get a folder like "(NameOfTheFile)_converted", and an .xml file, with the same name. Remove the "_converted" part from both. Then you can start editing files on that folder (you can open them with notepad).


When you've finished, you can start packing again. Don't remove the .xml file nor the folder. You have to drag the .xml file (the one you got when unpacking with ConvertBinaryObject) on the Dunia2.ConvertBinaryObject.exe again. You will get a file with the same format (NameOfTheFile_converted), so again remove the "_converted" part. You can remove the original file if it doesn't let you change the name. And finally, to pack again the patch files, you have to drag the entire "patch" folder on the Dunia2.Pack.exe, and you will get both patch.dat and patch.fat files.



Unfortunately, I'm relatively new in modding Far Cry 3, so I cannot help you to mix 2 mods or anything else. But I hope you can, at least, start modding now xD

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