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Realistic Alchemy mod


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Once you split up the effects into separate ingredients you cannot use the Alchemy station to combine them again. You would need to create even more ingredients with the different possible combinations of the four effects of the standard ingredient. Then your script on the custom station activator would need to have either a message box menu for the player to pick the desired split or separate buttons/levers for the player to use that would create the different effect splits.


You cannot create a multi-effect potion if the source ingredients do not share effects.


However, using my earlier example, nothing would prevent using a standard Blue Mountain Flower ingredient with Fortify Health: Blue Flower and Restore Health: Wheat to make a multi-effect potion. Since alchemy allows up to three ingredients, you can use one standard with two individuals to create a two effect potion.

I see...I didn't take into account all the variables that affect the alchemy table in this way. It sounds like it might be impossible to create this mod exactly the way I'd like it.


Well, thanks for your help, IsharaMeradin.

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