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Where to put Breton alchemist housemod?


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I have a 4-bedroom manor house that I made in Blender. And it's too big for where I originally planned to put it. (It's ~600 obu wide and ~2400 obu long.) Roughly speaking, it's the size of two priory chapels single file along their long axis.


It's for a Breton alchemist, so I'm inclined to go to the Gold Cost on account of it proximity to High Rock. Options 1a - 1c: Maybe one of the islands off the coast of Anvil. Or Options 2a & 2b: The small valleys north or west of Kvatch.


Or, I could go to the other end of the map, entirely. (3) The floodplain of the Upper Nibenay valley, north of Cropsford, between the Yellow Road and the water. (4) On the shore of Lake Canulus. (5) On the Malada Road, west of Fort Entius, maybe by that lake. (6) An empty space in the foothills of the Valus mountains.


Finally, option 7, build a small island in a custom worldspace.


Obviously, every option has its costs and benefits. (1) and (5) are cramped spaces. (2), (4) and (6) have no roads. (3) is kinda boring, with a side of bandits and four-legged predators. (7) would entail building enough infrastructure so that it makes sense that you could sail to and from there.


I'm not signed up with image hosting. But if there's interest, I can post some rough screenshots I've made. Just the exterior nif with little or no landscaping.


Constructive suggestions welcome.






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I'd love to see some screenshots. I use imgur.com, you don't need an account although it will down-scale images over 4 MB.


As far as locations go I'd go with either (7) or (6). Although it depends what the building looks like. The architecture of Cyrodiil is varied to say the least.


If you chose (7) there are a number of extra buildings you could have on the island to make it worth the trip such as warehouses for holding the islands produce (maybe there is a vinyard or farm?) or other misc buildings like blacksmiths or even guild halls.

Edited by Keimpx
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Point taken.




Bluff overlooking Lake Canulus. You'll have to trust me that the lake is behind my character.




North of Anvil. I didn't make an island yet. But this is the terrain I'd use.

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I was making a conscious choice to avoid West Balmora (er, Chorrol), because I feel like that exact spot is where everybody puts My First House Mod. But I was curious to see what it looked like:




And it really is too big to go near Weynon priory:




North of Chorrol isn't a bad fit. If you can stand the respawning bandits right outside your front door:





These are starting to pop up like Where's Waldo!

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Woah those screenshots look amazing.


One place I recently fell in love with is the Southern parts of Cyrodiil. Try areas like the Weast Weald (Skingrad, Knights of the Nine priory etc), or even the Nibenay Basin (Lake Canulus PLEASE).

Edited by Keimpx
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I have two reservations about Lake Canulus: First, in order to make a trail to it, you've got to alter at least 14 cells to go east from the Yellow Road, or 8 to get uphill from the river landing north of Pyrite's shrine, or 5 to go south on the road from Malada.


Second, I'd have to dance around the Unique Landscapes patch for Lake Canulus, and possibly Entius Gorge if I build infrastructure near Malada.



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I have two reservations about Lake Canulus: First, in order to make a trail to it, you've got to alter at least 14 cells to go east from the Yellow Road, or 8 to get uphill from the river landing north of Pyrite's shrine, or 5 to go south on the road from Malada.


Second, I'd have to dance around the Unique Landscapes patch for Lake Canulus, and possibly Entius Gorge if I build infrastructure near Malada.




Ehhhh I draw a blank. I totally overlooked the fact you'd need to make a path from one of the roads in order to get to Lake Canulus.




I mean... The less cells you edit is better. Malada route might be your best option.


Did you try out the Skingrad area yet?

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Fantastic looking building...and man is it big! You weren't kidding about that. As for location...The area around Cropsford may not be too bad of a choice. You are going to run the risk of mod conflict just about anywhere, that area is less mod intensive than many others and fairly flat terrain. Lake Canulus may work on the North and West ends...UL Eastern Peaks hits that area and an older mod called Lake Canulus Village...but there are mods everywhere. Patches I think are the least of your worries with a building that size...landscaping terrain to make it fit in properly at the edge of that lake..or anywhere else the land is somewhat inclined is going to take some work.


I say just pick a spot you like is somewhat mod conflict free and do your thing. You'll likely never find a spot that hasn't been used for something already unless you create a new island. If you need a patch or two whipped up later on hit me up.

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