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Courier Back to Work


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With these new mods that add simple radiant quests to do, I have been wondering one thing. Could a package delivery system work on these same principals. I think it would be cool to go to the Mojave Express in prim and get new packages to deliver to different locations. These deliveries could be of varying importance and danger levels. Lets say you are delivering a high value item then you will have more chances of being attacked by raiders looking for good loot. Lets say randomly some NPC's try to stiff you out of your pay, Then you have to do something about it. That would be perfect.



-A wage system, if you keep doing good then you get paid good, if you fail a job you get a cut in wages.

:100 for a base job (50 from the Mojave Express Office, 50 tip from the recipient) Then the more successful deliveries you make the more of a raise you get from the Office. Up to 250 pay from the office possible for a base package the same for tips, you can also barter and speech a higher tip from the recipient. Prices of 250-500 for high risk packages, and with high risk comes high tip 100-500 tip pay for High risk packages (depends on your speech and barter) That way the most you will ever make on a package would be 500 for base and 1000 for high risks




Aside from the Job mod, I also think a small quest/story that plays out after you deliver something to someone. It would be there to remind you that being a courier is a lot less boring than just having to deal with some raiders and cheapskates. The special quest delivery would only become available after you do a certain amount of normal deliveries.

(My choice of quest would be two families in a feud. They both want the item you are delivering. I also would want to make the family that the item is supposed to go to arseholes. Then you would have the choice of giving it to them and completing your delivery or giving it to the ones who really deserve it and failing the job.


Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help make something like this, thanks also for any ideas that would make this easier or add to the experience.

Edited by blaze1514
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