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Interesting Modern Idea


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What if we put the whole concept of the War (one that was in the game) to a few decades later technologically. Meaning that when the nuclear bombs fell it was the year I dunno... 2040 something, and put in some nice new weapons, armor etc. But heres the catch. In the end it would mean changing all the models to the new ones, even the wrecked cars, bikes.


And before anybody says anything, I love the whole atmosphere of the '50s look, but I would like to see it just for the fun of it.




What do ya think?


Oh and just so you know, I know absolutely nothing about modding, I am just a regular idea guy.

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I know it seems like a big bulk of a work but not all of them.


Just the usables, wearables and some of the decorative items.


Also if I am not mistaken, most of the more advanced weaponry has already been done, it just needs to be replaced.


And just so everybody is clear, that 2040 something was just strictly a technological parallelism with our own timeline.

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The nuclear weapons were launched on October 23, 2077 -.- but I understand what you are thinking

then why is everything all 50s style?


The culture stayed in the 50s, while the technology jumped to the future. The nuke scare happened in the 50's, thus keeping the 50's vibe was fitting to the whole idea of Fallout 3.

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