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Flying Camera?


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First I'll apologize in case this has been answered in the past. I only recently was able to re-install and start playing Fallout again. I did search around a bit, but as there are hundreds of posts I haven't seen, may have overlooked it.


OK, I'll explain fully. I know toggling the menus and flying camera is possible through the console, but I really liked the way the flying camera mod worked in Oblivion. I'm wondering if it's possible to make this for FO or not, I assumed it would exist already, the fact that it doesn't seem to makes me wonder if there is a reason.


If anybody knows where one might exist, or a reason it cannot, please let me know. Thanks :biggrin:

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Flying camera mod for Oblivion, could you explain how it works? I've never seen that mod before. What's makes it so special and different from the console one?


Anyway, why go through all the trouble to script and mod something that can be easily be accomplished by typing "tfc" or "tcl"

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It let's you assign a key to toggle both "tfc" and "tm" on/off at once. Also switches you into 3rd person mode if you use it in 1st, so you see more than arms. Really a convenience thing, but I really liked being able to just hit one button and move the camera, then hit it again to snap back into my body. I'll try to look at the coding for the OB version, my main concern is whether it is possible or not for Fallout, there might be some weird, conflicting issue.
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At the moment it's not possible in Fallout 3 due to the inaccessibility of most console functions in scripts.


If I remember correctly, OBSE allows for the execution of batch files via script, effectively allowing all console functions to be accessed via script. This functionality is not yet available in FOSE, and I don't believe it's a priority.



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I'm not positive about this, but you can probably bind more than one command to a key...if I'm not getting Source mixed up with Fallout.


bind t tfc;tm


Don't know if that will work, and I don't know how to go into third person, but whatever.

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