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I am very new to Fallout 3 and changing the game:


I am looking for a way to keep the vanilla followers from being fired after 7 days of waiting and have looked in the following areas:


In the Global setting I found followerwaittime and changed it from 7 to 30, creating a new .esp file and placed it directly after the DLC esm's. Regardless of the position of this file, my followers still get fired at 7 days.


In the FollowersQuestSCRIPT I deleted the following marked lines for each follower:


	if ( PlayerHasFollower == 1 )
	if ( ButchREF.Waiting == 1 ) && ( ButchREF.GetInCell MegatonPlayerHouse == 0 )  && ( ButchREF.GetInCell Tenpenny03Player == 0 )
		if ( FollowerWaitingLeaveDay <= GameDaysPassed )
			if ( ButchREF.GetInSameCell Player == 0  )
				(DELETED) set Followers.PlayerHasFollower to 0
				(DELETED) set Followers.ButchHired to 0
				set Followers.ButchFired to 1 (CHANGED TO 0)
				(DELETED) set ButchREF.Waiting to 0
				(DELETED) set ButchREF.IsFollowingDefault to 1
				(DELETED) set ButchREF.IsFollowingLong to 0
				(DELETED) set ButchREF.IsFollowingShort to 0
				(DELETED) ButchREF.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleRanged
				(DELETED) set ButchREF.CombatStyleRanged to 1
				(DELETED) set ButchREF.CombatStyleMelee to 0
				(DELETED) ButchREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0
				(DELETED) ButchREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction
				(DELETED) ButchREF.evp

				(DELETED) ShowMessage FollowerMessageLeaveButch
				(DELETED) ButchREF.MoveTo MuddyRudderMarker
				set FollowerWaitingLeaveDay to 0


I have the following Follower Mods installed:




Follower Sydney



I think I am on the right track, however I think I am missing something. I have tried looking for a solution and have not been able to find one. Any assistance would be appreciated.

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