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Sort-of Balancing Bug


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Sorry I've been outta the loop for a lil while matey. Borked my game playing with a few things (did I mention I'm an eternal twink? ;) ) and had to get that fixxed before I could do much else.

On the bright side, I've managed to recreate your issue. lol.

I posted on the UV thread because the script for the damage variable doesn't seem to do anything for me either now when its set to below one (1) though my enemies still seem tough enough to give me headaches. Or maybe I just suck at the game, heh heh.

Anyways, its not UV (well, I don't think it is. Theres 30k lines of script there. my eyes were bleeding before I got past the first 100) but there defo seems to be something interfering with either overall minimal damage equations - something set below a value of 100% damage still seems to do 100% damage - or the UV attack minimal damage. I'm going to have a play at nerfing some other values later and see if its everything or just in the UV script. I'll also try (unadvisable with this complicated a script but I recon I can fix it if I break it) importing the script into my bashed patch and see if that changes it... mainly because I'm bugging out like I always do when I don't understand somethin, and I'm worse when I don't know how to fix it. heh.



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Hey matey. Welcome to page 2. lol. j/k


Hex thinks he may have a little error in the script thats making the game read the value in question as an interger, not a float. Therefore the game can't read values below 1, and always treats it as a 1. He's looking into it and will fix it in the next release if it is.



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