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SCRIPT IDEA: Dynamic Size changer


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Hello everyone, I just got an idea for little script, unfortunatly I have no idea about scripting so I will require help from someone with experience.


My basic idea is to create script that will resize all creatures (or at least NPC's) according to their strength from base size of their race. This way a Nord mage would be shorter then Nord warrior.


NOTE: If there is mod like this then please exuse me, I looked for something like that, but without succes.


My idea for formula that could be used in this script:


Deafult Race Size ( DRS ) <- size that creature have set in Construction Set


Current Size ( CSiz )


Deafult Strenght ( DS ) = 50 <- at this level creature size is same as set in Construction set, I think that 50 is good value


Current Strength ( CStr )


Size Change per 1 point of strength ( SC ) = 0,006 <- after some experimenting I think its pretty good value, at 0 strength character is 30% smaller and at 100 is 30% bigger then normal. I created projection in excel, so we can experiment to get good values, my projection is very fluid and you can easly see how big will be the changes if you put other given values


So the formula goes like this:




This formula may look little odd, but works pretty well in excel, its also very flexible. The only given values are: Deafult Strength and Size Change.


Does anyone knows how to script this into game?


Heres my projection in excel, the only change is that you need to put DRS (script should read it from Construction Set) as for now its 1.

Oblivion size change projection


Any ideas or comments?

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