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2 request: Item/follower and a model replacement


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1. request:

a Mag, either as visible, wearable item or follower. A Mag is some cute small device, flying over your shoulder.

what it should do: if possible, items can be feeded to him to increase his stats. for example, if you feed him a laser pistol, its increasing the laserweapon skill. clothing increases his defenses (more HP etc). feeding him consumables increases his intelligence, which has effect on combat tactics (if you feed him stimpacks often he might heal you when needed) depending on his weapontype skill he should use its weapon respectively (if physical is the highest, he should use it the most)


if it's made as a follower, maybe it acts like a Mr Gutsy/RL-3 or one of those Robot Eyes thingys

if made as wearable item the stats should effect YOUR stats.


ofcourse to not break the game, the Mag's stats have a cap. increasing one stat means the cap for all stats is lowered. (maybe something like a summed cap of 100 skill levels)

http://pso-world.com/images/guides/psobbmag/hucl28.jpg http://www.ragol.co.uk/images/mags/magpics/mag.gif


2. request:

TL;DR instead of Liberty Prime... OPTIMUS Prime :D

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Not exactly what you want but it's something similar to a mag.




As for flying over your shoulder part is not possible due to game limitations, it'll just follow you at the back like in a marching band.


I'm unsure about your second request thought, remodeling is kinda hart but it is possible.

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