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A much more darker Fallout 3


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When I was looking at the game I thought it would be different then when I actually got it, I expected it to be a survival-horror RPG, but nothing in it was like I had imagined, not that the game isn't fun, it could just use some....adjustments.


Something dark and not knowing what is around the corner that might eat you, less people running around, I am thinking about trying to do this but I have no idea how to use the GECK, it would be something like a twisted fantasy, much scarier music, the monsters would be much scarier, something like that.


Just a suggestion.

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If you want some truly hardcore inside darkness, try this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6794


Any building without lights I basically have to pack a pair of nightvision goggles, or forget it. I get scared running into *corpses* of ghouls I'd slain before, to say nothing of live ones.


Here's a video of the mod and nightvision goggles at work: I've just entered a subway tunnel:



Screenshot of the same:



I broadcasted my antics that night to a friend of mine and it may have been the deciding factor in getting him to buy FO3. XD

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