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CTD errors, help please?


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So basically, whenever i rest, or sleep in a bed, the game CTDs about five seconds after the rest is finished. I'll wake up, and 5 seconds later KABLAMMO: CTD. I have installed no mods recently to cause this. My list of likely mods causing this is as follows, in proper load order:



Cobl Main.esm


Fort Akatosh.esm

BetterMusicSystem.esm (RECENTLY INSTALLED)

UnnecessaryViolence.esm (RECENTLY INSTALLED)

UnnecessaryViolence.esp (RECENTLY INSTALLED)

ElsweyrAnequina.esp (RECENTLY INSTALLED)



DeadlyReflex5 - Combat Moves.esp (RECENTLY RE-INSTALLED)


Cobl Glue.esp

Deadly Reflex 5 -Timed block with no damage or durability changes.esp (RECENTLY RE-INSTALLED)



Cobl Tweaks.esp

Cobl Si.esp


BetterMusicSystem(Elsweyr).esp(RECENTLY INSTALLED)


Unfortunately, all of the RECENTLY INSTALLED ones were installed at minimum four days ago, and the deadly reflex was re-installed 2 days ago. The console says nothing strange before the crash happens. The crash only started occurring this morning, yesterday it worked beautifully.


Windows Vista - 32 Bit

OBSE v.18:Pluggy, Nifscript, SoundCommands, EnhancedMusicControl


Please, PLEASE help.

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I had a similar problem a while ago which made me not able to enter the Tamriel worldspace without getting a CTD as soon as it finished loading. After a large amount of testing, I found that they only stopped after I deleted my Oblivion.ini file. You could give that a try and see if it helps.


Otherwise, give the website in my signature a try.

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