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A couple of questions involving D.C.


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Okay, my finger is ready to pull the trigger and blast certain people to kingdom come and likewise not, but this is provided someone can give me some info.


Over in D.C. there's these guys guarding the Lincoln Memorial and the main head security guy is stating that he's from Paradise Falls, or so I can recall. He wants some of Lincoln's stuff, which I have the Lincoln Repeater which is one heck of a gun.


NOW, my question here, is, isn't Paradise Falls full of Slave drivers? If such, these are bad people, right? I'm pretty sure my sources say yes. Thus, I'm going to drop a shower of lead on these people if this is the case.


Second of all, I found a lady who is a Relic Hunter and she's going after the Declaration of Independence. That thing is extremely special! And I haven't even gotten proper sources as to whom she's hunting this item for. So, what I'd like to know is will I get bad karma if I find the Declaration and give it to the person this lady is working for? The last thing I want to do is give our Nations' freedom to some history nut that I've never even met!!


Thanks for any input given.

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As for the Lincoln Memorial stuff, it has nothing to do with the Lincoln Repeater. Look for a place called Temple of Union.


Yes, paradise falls is filled with bad people, you can just assault your way in the main entrance and get good karma points. But... take it slow and talk to the people inside, you get extra quests.


As for the Relic Hunter Sydney, don't worry, about negative karma. The person she's handling the documents to is in Rivet City. I suggest going there first, do some exploring and talk to everyone in the ship.

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the lincoln repeater is actually tied to that temple of union/lincoln memorial quest ;) though id just keep it...


I had absolutely no intention of giving him the gun. Is there anything I can give him instead? Above all, should I shoot them or wait and take a look at the Temple of Union quest?


As you might notice, I am one of those "Holier-than-thou White Knights" as the Talon Mercs like to call me. Hey, I'm trying to bring sensibility to D.C. --- heck, the whole apocalyptic world while we're at it! Excuse me for saving peoples' lives from raiders, mercs, and super mutants!!


Come to think of it, this brings up another question:


A Ghoul at the Underworld has asked me to go assassinate some people. One of these people seems to be Tenpenny himself. Now I know Tenpenny is not a good place either, which I intend on giving them a heartfelt welcome, but before I do so, should I take out the founder? :blink:

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The questions in your first post seem unrelated, but depending on how deeply you play, you made find the answers are all related more closely than they first appear, hence the slightly cryptic responses you're getting. You can check these in detail on the wiki http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki that should clear up everything for you.
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