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Custom Faction not working


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I started making my own faction about a month ago but quit for awhile and started up on it again because i just want it to work!!!!! I dont know what im doing wrong! theres a star next to the name of my faction in the faction window in the CS and i dont know what that means. i ignored it and tried to join my faction via the ingame console and it says my faction 'doesnt exist or was not saved' and its really making me MAD!!!!! please help me with this problem because i have looked all over google and the TES CS site and couldnt find anything on trouble shooting this thing!
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The star just means that your faction doesn´t belong to vanilla oblivion, everything that is added by a mod will have that star in the CS if that mod is the one that is active in the CS so don´t worry about that. About the faction you made, if you´re trying to add your player to that faction using the console and the faction ID you have to change the first two digits of the ID according to your mod load order.


Have a look at this:




The "Small Problem" Section explains what your problem might be.


You might also want to take a look at this:




I know this is the answer for ID problems with spells, i´m not sure its the same with factions but it probably is.



Hope it helps :)

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The star just means that your faction doesn´t belong to vanilla oblivion, everything that is added by a mod will have that star in the CS if that mod is the one that is active in the CS so don´t worry about that. About the faction you made, if you´re trying to add your player to that faction using the console and the faction ID you have to change the first two digits of the ID according to your mod load order.


Have a look at this:




The "Small Problem" Section explains what your problem might be.


You might also want to take a look at this:




I know this is the answer for ID problems with spells, i´m not sure its the same with factions but it probably is.



Hope it helps :)

Sadly none of those worked. Thanks though. but i dont know whats wrong!

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You could create a new quest and put the line of code for joining the faction in the result script of someone's dialog info.



You could put a Begin OnActivate script on a book so you can read the book to join the faction.


SCN AAReadFactionHandbookSCRIPT
Begin OnActivate
 SetFactionRank AAMyAwesomeFaction, 1



You could join the faction by going to a certain place. Have an object script placed on an item with:


Begin Gamemode
 If GetDistance Player <= 1500 
	  SetFactionRank AAMyAwesomeFaction, 1


You could automatically join the faction on activating the mod. (Lame way to do it.)


SCN AaAllPlayerCharactersMustJoinSCRIPT
; Quest Script attached to new quest  AaAllPlayerCharactersMustJoinQUEST
Begin Gamemode
 SetFactionRank AAMyAwesomeFaction, 1
 Stopquest AaAllPlayerCharactersMustJoinQUEST

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Even that didnt help! im really looking for the book script (which you have provided) and filled it out like this:



scriptName aajoinscript

Begin OnActivate

SetFactionRank Assassinfaction, 1





and put it on the Spell enchanting altar. (this mod will be for the OO mod so i dont want to put books because people might steal them and no one else will be able to join so i put the script in the Custom Spell Altar and it didnt work so i did try with a book and it still didnt work) I dont know what is wrong with this! i even tried those other scripts and still nothing!



EDIT: I've Decided to use the script on books that are handbooks with info on the guild since i can put them in a chest that respawns them. BUT I STILL NEED HELP WITH THE FACTION!!!!!

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Don't forget to add 'Player.' before SetFactionRank (without the "). Or the object will be added to the rank instead of the player. If you want everyone to be added to the faction that activates the 'thing' the script is attached to then it'll need:


scriptName aajoinscript

ref target

Begin OnActivate
set target to GetActionRef
target.SetFactionRank Assassinfaction, 1


I've asked for a move btw, I think it'll fit better in another forum.

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Not adding a reference for the command is a very common error. I sometimes make that error than spend some time wondering why something didn't work. I'm actually surprised Bethesda lets some of these syntax errors get compiled (eg, why would someone want to add a book to a certain faction or why would someone want a plate to check it's inventory).
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