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Weapons disappearing from corpses


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So apparently if you kill someone and they've drawn their weapon, then after a while their weapon "decays" or something and you can't loot it. This bugs me a lot if I'm trying to snipe out an enemy base before storming it. It's easy to use a stealth boy and take everyone out with a silencer for max caps, but sometimes I want to vary my playstyle.


Also, being forced to loot after every kill really ruins the tension for me sometimes. Small fights is fine if they're close together, like talon company attacks, but in large spread out fights I'm always worrying about not killing that supermutant until I'm close enough to easily loot.


Is there anyway to disable the disappearing weapons?

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I didn't think they did that unless they have no weapons themselves (I'm not using MMM or any other mod that makes npcs smarter). And this has happened to bodies behind me or when I've killed everything else.


I can tell when a corpse has had its weap disappear because when you loot everything else, the corpse won't show [EMPTY] as it normally would. There's no other instance of this happening except when the npc was wielding a weapon and I didn't loot it quickly enough :\.

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